The Beginner’s Guide to Link Building for SEO

The technique of strategically raising the number of backlinks (or hyperlinks) connecting to a website is known as link building. It is a crucial component of SEO aimed at increasing a website’s visibility in search results.

The following are a few of the most widely used link-building techniques:

  • Content marketing
  • Email outreach
  • Broken link building
  • Unlinked brand mentions
  • PR

among other things

Now let’s discuss the specifics. Here is your SEO link-building beginner’s guide.

Why Is Link Building Important?

A page’s ranking might increase when more high-quality backlinks are added to it. One of the most crucial ranking variables used by Google is backlinks.

Backlinks are viewed as “votes of confidence” by Google and other top search engines for the websites receiving them.

Each vote demonstrates how worthwhile, reliable, and practical your content is.

Therefore, link building will almost probably be necessary if you want your sites to appear highly in Google search results.

How To Build Links 

The majority of link-building techniques and methods fit into one of the following three categories.

1. Ask for Links

When you actively ask a website to link to yours, that is known as asking for links.

You may request that they connect to:

  • Blog posts 
  • In-depth guides
  • Ebooks
  • Visual assets (like infographics)
  • Case studies
  • Original research and data

The Link Building Tool from Semrush will help you locate potential contacts rapidly.

The “Best Backlink Building Strategies” section will cover how to do it.

2. Add Links

Going to another website and manually placing your link there is referred to as adding links.

You can manually include links to, for instance:

  • Social media profiles
  • Business directories
  • Forums, communities, and Q&A sites (like Quora)
  • Blog comments
  • User profile pages

One of the simplest and arguably least efficient ways to build links is by manually adding SEO links.

These connections frequently originate from unreliable sources. the kind Google wants to avoid emphasizing too much.


mainly because you make them. Furthermore, you are really endorsing yourself.

Which is not what Google considers when determining which websites should rank highest.

Additionally, these links carry less weight than other types of links because they aren’t editorially provided (you don’t ask for them).

These links won’t directly benefit you, but they also won’t do you any harm.

Earning links is the best course of action.

3. Earn Links 

Other websites link to yours when you earn links; they do it voluntarily.

And the greatest method to acquire links is to produce excellent content that other people want to connect to.

When someone wishes to link to something as a resource or as beneficial further reading, links naturally occur.

The following are some examples of the various content categories that get links:

  • Visual assets (infographics, charts, diagrams, etc.)
  • Original research and data (industry studies, surveys, proprietary research, etc.)
  • Online tools and calculators
  • In-depth guides and tutorials

Examine the backlink profiles of your competitors to generate fresh article ideas.

(Again, the “Best Backlink Building Strategies” section will go into detail on how to achieve all of this.)

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